Root canal treatment is needed when the nerve of a tooth is affected by decay or infection.
Regular cleanings and check-ups can prevent these treatments. Also known as endodontic treatment.

In the past, a badly infected, painful tooth was doomed to be extracted. Today majority of these teeth can be salvaged by a special dental procedure called Root Canal Therapy.

When Is A Root Canal Needed?

A Root Canal treatment is needed when a tooth's nerve and associated blood vessels are irreversibly damaged either by trauma to the tooth or because of a deep cavity. This results in infection that may lead to an abscess at the base of the tooth.

Typical Signs And Symptoms

  • Throbbing pain in the tooth.
  • Swelling in the jaw.
  • The tooth may be painful to chew on.
  • Pain on consuming hot and/or cold foods.
  • Teeth that are severely worn out.

The Root Canal Procedure

  • Your treatment may take one or more visits, where the nerve of the offending tooth is removed and the root canal is subsequently filled.
  • The procedure may be done under local anaesthesia.
  • Your Dentist may take x-rays to ensure that the full length of your root canal is treated.
  • If your roots are unusually shaped or there are other complications, you may need to have apical surgery (Apicoectomy) as advised by your Dentist.
  • After the Root Canal, a core filling is done and the tooth may subsequently be protected with a cap.

While Your Root Canal Treatment Is Going On

  • Take medication as prescribed.
  • Do not eat anything hard on the offending tooth.
  • Avoid any heat fermentation on the outside.
  • Once the inside of your tooth is treated the outside is usually protected by a crown.

Now your tooth should function and feel like your other teeth.