Veneers & Crowns

A crown, often called a 'cap' covers the entire tooth, unlike a veneer which covers only the front surface of a tooth.

Of all the methods available for changing and improving the look of your smile, porcelain (Ceramic) Laminate Veneers and Crowns are the most popular, successful and quick. With the help of these, a damaged tooth can be saved and repaired to look and feel like the original.

What Is A Porcelain Laminate Veneer?

Porcelain Laminate Veneers are coatings crafted out of porcelain that are bonded to the front surface of a tooth. These veneers greatly enhance the look of your smile with as little discomfort as possible. These veneers are made to suit the patient's individual needs and are indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Indications For Veneers

Veneers can be used to provide an aesthetic solution in many situations:

  • Spaces between teeth.
  • Discolored teeth.
  • Malpositioned or slightly crooked teeth.
  • Odd shaped cracked or chipped teeth.
  • Fractured teeth with a fair amount of tooth structure left.
  • Teeth with multiple fillings which have compromised the aesthetics of the smile.
  • Unsatisfactory shape, size and form of teeth.
  • To provide a "White Smile" in persons with naturally dark teeth.

Advantages Of Veneers

Veneers can be placed on teeth with minimal tooth preparation. They look and feel completely natural. A beautiful result is achieved in just a few days time, and can last for many years. The texture and finish of porcelain veneers mark them highly resistant to external staining. Due to their durability, looks and comfort, veneers have become one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments available today. Veneers are widely used by people in the entertainment field and show business to obtain a beautiful smile.

What Is Involved In Getting A Veneer?

The process of having a veneer made for your tooth involves a few short visits to your Dentist. The procedure is simple and relatively painless.

  • Your Dentist will first analyse your smile to determine which teeth require veneers.
  • Depending on how much tooth shaping is required, you may or may not require anaesthesia.
  • Minimal shaping of your teeth is then done and an impression is made.

Ceramic veneers take between I-2 weeks to be made. During that period, your teeth may be fitted with temporary veneers to prevent sensitivity. Ceramic veneers are bonded to the teeth using special adhesives. Once fixed, these veneers are exceptionally strong. It takes only a day or two to get used to them.

Post Treatment Care

Look after your veneers well. Brush and floss as you regularily do. Use non abrasive toothpaste to help maintain the shine and gloss of your veneers. Normal diet will not harm your veneers. Avoid any shearing force on these teeth [like biting a sugarcane ]. Regular checkups will ensure your veneers are in excellent shape. Well maintained veneers should last you for many years and give you a long lasting and beautiful smile.

How Is Crown Different From Veneer?

A crown, often called a 'cap' covers the entire tooth, unlike a veneer which covers only the front surface of a tooth. A crown requires more shaping of the tooth structure and is often used to strengthen a weak or broken tooth. Crowns are extremely durable, aesthetic and are commonly used in front and the back of the mouth.

Indications For A Crown

While a crown is often used for its functional properties, like veneers these too can be used to bring about excellent aesthetic modifications in a smile. The common indications for a crown are:

  • To restore a badly decayed teeth, with large fillings or teeth which are root canal treated.
  • To protect fractured teeth where little tooth structure is left.
  • When the position, shape, size or colour of the teeth have to be dramatically altered.
  • To improve the bite.
  • To strengthen worn down or mobile teeth.
  • As part of a bridge to support a tooth replacement.
  • To be placed over an implant.

How Do I Get A Crown?

  • Tooth shaping: Your Dentist will reshape the tooth, to create space all around it for the crown.
  • Impressioning: A measurement of the prepared tooth and of the surrounding and opposing teeth is taken. Your measurements are then sent to a dental laboratory for processing of the crown.
  • Temporary Crown: Meanwhile, a temporary crown may be placed. Take care of your crown by avoiding sticky and hard foods and be sure to clean around it.
  • Cementation: Soon, your Dentist replaces your temporary crown with permanent one. The crown is adjusted, making sure you are comfortable with it. It is then cemented or bonded to the prepared tooth.

What Are Crowns Made Of?

Crowns can be made of acrylic, metal, ceramic, porcelain or zirconia. The ceramic & zirconia crowns are great for aesthetics and durability.

(PFM) Porcelain-fused to metal

  • Longstanding experience.
  • High stability.
  • Metal frame can show through.
  • Unfaced metal margins may become visible.
  • The metal can lead to intolerances and electrochemical reactions with other metals in the mouth.


  • Natural-looking aesthetics.
  • Translucent natural teeth.
  • Metal-free and a very strong material.
  • No visible transitions at the gum margin.
  • Does not trigger electrochemical reactions in the mouth.