Crowns are synthetic caps usually made of material like porcelain placed on top of a tooth. Bridges are natural-looking dental appliances that can replace a section of missing teeth. Because both caps and bridges are custom made, they are barely noticeable and can restore the natural contour of the teeth as well as the proper bite relationship between upper and lower teeth.

When a tooth is chipped, broken or removed, it becomes imperative to protect it or replace it in order to maintain a good bite, stable health of the adjacent teeth and good aesthetics.

Importance Of Crown and Bridge Restorations

Teeth work together. When one tooth is badly broken, fractured or missing, this can damage the remaining teeth and surrounding tissues as explained below:

  • Remaining teeth shift or migrate, leading to a poor bite and improper chewing and eventual joint pain.
  • Shifting of teeth which also leads to poor oral hygiene,causing teeth to decay and gum infection.
  • Poor aesthetics.

Crown and bridge restorations should be done to repair teeth and replace missing teeth and thus maintain a healthy, attractive mouth.

Understanding Crown and Bridges

Crown: A crown is a cap that covers the entire tooth to restore it to proper function and aesthetics. It can be made of acrylic, metal, ceramic or zirconia. To fit a crown the tooth needs to be shaped. Crowns are either cemented or bonded onto the teeth.

Bridge:A bridge replaces one or more missing teeth. The teeth adjacent to the missing tooth are crowned and an artificial tooth bridges the gap. Depending on the position and number of missing teeth, the number of supporting teeth will vary.

Temporary Bridge: A permanent bridge can take between 2-10 days to be made. In the interim, a temporary bridge is sometimes placed, to facilitate chewing and maintain aesthetics. The temporary bridge is cemented with temporary cement.

Care For Your Crown and Bridge

  • Once you are happy with your restoration, remember to look after it well.
  • Brush and floss as you regularly do.
  • Regular check ups ensure you get the best out of your restoration.